Front Row Seats

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Most Disturbingly Unsurprising Fact of the Day

In a really disturbing article from today's LA Times, a detective in a Toronto Sex Crimes unit focused on catching pedophiles reveals that basically all of the freaks they've caught have been hardcore 'Star Trek' fans. From the article:

On one wall (of the squad room) is a "Star Trek" poster with investigators' faces substituted for the Starship Enterprise crew. But even that alludes to a dark fact of their work: All but one of the offenders they have arrested in the last four years was a hard-core Trekkie.

Det. Constable Warren Bulmer slips on a Klingon sash and shield they confiscated in a recent raid. "It has something to do with a fantasy world where mutants and monsters have power and where the usual rules don't apply," Bulmer reflects. "But beyond that, I can't really explain it."

Anyone who's seen 'Trekkies' or the brilliant Triumph clip at the 'Star Wars' premiere knows that this revelation is about as surprising as Courtney Love announcing she has substance abuse issues. I'm all for escapism, but there's something more than a little unhealthy about adult nerds retreating from their miserable lives into artificial fantasy worlds constructed by even bigger nerds. The idea that some of these wanks may extend their deviance to the sexual realm is hardly a shocker.

If I'm a cop in the sex crimes division, I'm staking out every damn fantasy/sci-fi convention in the world, herding the freaks into prison buses en masse, and giving them the Abu Ghraib treatment until they crack and cough up their caches of child porn. Sure, you'll trample on the civil liberties and prosthetic pointy ears of some harmless kooks, but I think the world's prepubescent youth will breathe a huge sigh of relief when roughly 90% of the predatory pedophile population is thrown into the pokey for a heavy dose of rectal justice.

I can see it now - "Law and Order: Star Trek Sting".


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