EXTRA! Cruise replaces Damon in 'The Bourne Insanity'!
Seriously, all jokes aside - is this man completely insane? Is it possible he was always like this and no one noticed? If not, he's either completely immersing himself in preparation for a film role as a crazed retard or we're witnessing a legitimate mental breakdown. Watch the clip above and try and tell me there isn't something very, very wrong here. I mean like bottles full of urine in the living room, Brad Pitt in '12 Monkeys' wrong. And if that doesn't convince you, read this.
Scientology is insane, and I can only assume most of the practicing scientologists in the world are suffering from some sort of mental defect. But I'll bet even they're wishing Tom would shut the hell up right about now.
Fucking Scientologists...
By Anonymous, at 10:23 AM
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